To sing like this with Sting and a very good band is very impressive. East meets West in an exciting encounter. Image David Shankbone This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.
Lifting our lockdown spirits – Lola Lennox sings with her mum and a totally tremendous house band… ‘Wherever You Go’ is the song
The Cream always rises to the top. Japanese drummer girl Yoyoka is very impressive in this clip. Even the late great Ginger Baker would be smiling methinks.
Bobby McFerrin is quite remarkable. Here he is amazing scientists by scaling the heights! Image “Bobby McFerrin be Happy” by jurvetson is licensed under CC BY 2.0
An Oscar winning song and a tremendous performance from Jon B. Image from Commons CC BY-SA 2.0
Mr Isaac Hayes revealing more than a touch of enthusiasm for the music. Image commons CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
This is Wynton Marsallis sharing some thoughts talking about his home town – New Orleans, Louisiana (NOLA).
Have you ever been to a choir rehearsal? Wouldn’t you like to be part of this choir? How does the leader sing all those parts? About the image “Regional Golden Singers at the Tel Aviv Music Center Gala...
Professor Henry Louis Gates is a hugely influential academic in America. He has introduced a new series describing the role of the Black Church in influencing music and culture. Available on Utube, with interviews of Oprah, Dr...
We have to make the most of the opportunities in life, even in a pandemic.
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