Venezuela’s story is front page news at the moment. It is a long sad story of injustice, corruption and poverty. However, beneath the political headlines there is a remarkable story. A musical story. Journalist Ed Vulliamy...
Archive - February 2019
It seems remarkable that World War 1 opened the door to the growth of an African American musical phenomenon Jazz. It begins with a New York Regiment the 369th consisting mainly of African Americans, achieving fame for...
What do you recall of Paul Robeson? He is best remembered today for his his peerless version of ‘Old Man River’, written for him, but there is much more to this man. He played ‘Joe’ in the musical ‘Showboat’...
I know most music lovers can come up with their ‘best ever’ concert, so what would be your choice? Let me lay out why I think this one may deserve consideration for such a grand title. The concert was set in...